Together with the team, a video summary of almost 6 years of Taxon-OMICS and some of the opportunities that the SPP 1991 offered its scientists was created at the 2023 annual meeting in Hamburg.
Taxon-OMICS meets MuseoFrogCap: PostDoc project Dr. Alice Petzold
Post Doc Alice Petzold from Potsdam University and MfN Berlin reviews her project about the evolution and taxonomy of cophyline frogs that was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the framework of SPP 1991 Taxon-OMICS.
Young scientist Angelina Eichsteller from SENCKENBERG am Meer in Wilhelmshaven reviews her PhD project about deep-sea ophiuroids.
Museomics: PTB-DTT DNA extraction for old herbarium specimens
Salvatore Tomasello of the University of Göttingen presents a method for the extraction of DNA from herbarium material.
Taxon-OMICS meets iTaxoTools
We are proud to present short video tutorials for a selection of tools within iTaxoTools, including Limes, ASAP, ABGD, and MolD. These tutorials provide concise guidance on utilizing each tool effectively.
How to double digest Restriction site Associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq)
In this video, we show you a practical guide to double digest restriction associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq).
Taxon-OMICS meets smut fungi: PhD project Lena Steins
Young scientist Lena Steins from Ruhr-University in Bochum reviews her PhD project about smut fungi.
Museomics: aDNA and historic DNA extraction from zoological specimens using the Monarch Kit
In this video, Franziska Patzold and Anna Hundsdörfer show you how to use the Monarch kit (NEB) for aDNA or historic DNA Isolation, including a non-destructive protocol for precious material. We take you 'backstage' in our laboratories at Senckenberg Dresden and show you the process of DNA extraction step by step.