Featured post
As SPP 1991: TaxonOMICS draws to a close after six fruitful years, the Steering Committee wanted to fulfill its final promise — to ensure that the knowledge gained during the programme will continue to be used to its full potential long after the programme has ended. Thus, the idea of the TaxonOMICS Summer School was born…
NEWS & events
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a MSc degree, fluency in English, an interest in biogeography and a relevant background in plant systematics and evolution. Experience with molecular phylogenetic and/or evolutionary analyses (e.g. ancestral trait or biogeographic reconstructions) is essential. Previous experience with field work, lab work, morphology analysis methods or chemical/metabolomic analyses, or advanced bioinformatic skills will also be viewed favourably.
As SPP 1991: TaxonOMICS draws to a close after six fruitful years, the Steering Committee wanted to fulfill its final promise — to ensure that the knowledge gained during the programme will continue to be used to its full potential long after the programme has ended. Thus, the idea of the TaxonOMICS Summer School was born…
We are happy to invite you for our Annual Meeting to Hamburg! All Taxon-OMICS members (PIs, PostDocs, PhDs) are kindly invited to share the latest news about their projects.
Submit your photos any time before 13 August for our #PictureDiversity photo challenge! Winners receive a one year membership to GfBS and will be announced at this year’s annual meeting on 28-30 September.
Submit your photos any time before 15 August for our #PictureDiversity photo challenge! Winners receive a one year membership to GfBS and will be announced at this year’s annual meeting on 15-16 September.